Monday, October 26, 2009

Red turns into white

It is nice to see two ex-lovers talking from afar… it seems like that I have been the way to let the issues flow that has been drowned. Well the sparks are there from few years since I haven’t met these guys. I want them to talk to commune again… I am a bridge not an arrow of cupid. Well it is fantastic how the red turn into white. I am not a perfect partner but I am perfect friend and still trying to be. For the red, a lot of unspoken memories that has been written through tears, I want the tears to embossed and spoken this time. I don’t want them be another unpublished collection of sufferings, instead to let them b e known and be untold. As for the white, I want to clear the thoughts of thinking twice and to get ready of future person, to reunite with himself with a good partner. I want to erase the thoughts of doubting and replace it to trust. A five-letter word but it means a lot. I want to them to blossom and go into one way that I know, to get there in the place of what they desire most. As for me as I end this small storytelling, I want to compare it to what we have been through life. Well life is not complicated, we are.

I want to end my fingers typing by stating, are you there already? then show me my love... i am still waiting that you do exist. give me a reason to...*sigh*

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